dr. Bram Kuijken
Measuring is knowing and time is money

Using science
'Measuring is knowing and time is money'. Two, at first sight, enormous clichés, but nevertheless very appropriate for entrepreneurs.
Entrepreneurs have to make decisions not only in terms of money, but also in terms of time. To determine what you can best spend your time on, you need to set priorities. If you don't do this, you run the risk of not using your time well. The Total Company Scan helps you find the right focus , so that you spend your time as efficiently as possible. This scan gives you a clear overview of points that currently need your attention. A thorough literature study has resulted in a set of scientifically validated questions that are practically relevant. The outcome of the scan gives you a complete picture of aspects of your company that you need to focus on now or in the very near future."
It is very important for entrepreneurs that the questions, scores and conclusions are sound and reliable. These did not just happen; they are based on in-depth research within small and medium-sized businesses. The laws that characterize successful entrepreneurs have been scientifically researched and mapped out. The Total Company Scan is therefore a valid research report; the results have a factual basis. That is why we can state that the Total Company Scan is a scientifically substantiated Online Business Scan.
In compiling the questions and the advice of the Total Company Scan, Dr. Bram Kuijken from the University of Amsterdam, with a PhD in Innovative Marketing and specialized in entrepreneurship, innovation and startups. For the translation from science to practice, Gyuri Vergouw MSc MMC authored several bestselling books in the management field.
The Total Company Scan is a fully independently funded initiative of two passionate and enterprising business coaches Botermans & Goûtier. Their creed: "Self-reliant without advisor".
Research and literature
Based on the literature and studies below, the success and failure factors in SMEs form the basis for the more than 160 validated questions and the weighted advice in the Total Company Scan.
Allen, NJ, & Meyer, JP (1990).
The measurement and antecedents of affective, continuance and normative commitment to the organization. Journal of Occupational Psychology
Arruda, C., Nogueira, USA, & Costa.
The Brazilian entrepreneurial ecosystem of startups: An analysis of entrepreneurship determinants in Brazil as seen from the OECD pillars. Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management.
Baptista, R., Karaoz, M., & Mendonça.
Entrepreneurial backgrounds, human capital and start-up success.
Bertoni, F., Colombo, MG, & Grilli.
Venture capital financing and the growth of high-tech start-ups: Disentangling treatment from selection effects.
Bocken, NM
Sustainable venture capital–catalyst for sustainable start-up success?
Cannone, G., & Ughetto.
Born globals: A cross-country survey on high-tech start-ups.
Chorev, S., & Anderson.
Success in Israeli high-tech start-ups; Critical factors and process.
Colombo, M.G., Delmastro, M., & Grilli. Entrepreneurs' human capital and the start-up size of new technology-based firms. International journal of industrial organization.
Dautzenberg, K., & Reger.
Entrepreneurial team characteristics and success of new technology-based firms in Germany. International Journal of Business and Globalisation.
Davis, AM, & Zweig, AS
The rise and fall of a software startup. Journal of Information Technology Case and Application Research.
Deakins, D. & Whittam, G.
Business start-up: Theory, practice and policy. In S. Carter and D. and Jones-Evans (eds.), Enterprise and Small Business, Essex: Pearson.
DeHayes, DW, & Haeberle, WL
University alumni small business research program: A study of emerging businesses. Bloomington: Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Indiana University.
Fini, R., Grimaldi, R., & Sobrero, M.
Factors fostering academics to start up new ventures: an assessment of Italian founders' incentives.
Franco, M., & Haase, H.
Failure factors in small and medium-sized enterprises: qualitative study from an attributional perspective. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal.
Friar, JH, & Meyer, MH
Entrepreneurship and start-ups in the Boston region: Factors differentiating high-growth ventures from micro-ventures. Small Business Economics.
Gartner, W., & Liao, J.
The effects of perceptions of risk, environmental uncertainty, and growth aspirations on new venture creation success. Small Business Economics.
Gemünden, HG, Ritter, T., & Heydebreck, P.
Network configuration and innovation success: An empirical analysis in German high-tech industries. International journal of research in marketing.
Ghosh, BC, Liang, TW, Meng, TT, & Chan, B.
The key success factors, distinctive capabilities, and strategic thrusts of top SMEs in Singapore. Journal of Business Research.
Ghosh, B., & Kwan, W.
An analysis of key success factors of SMEs: a comparative study of Singapore/Malaysia and Australia/New Zealand.
Greve, A., & Salaff, JW
Social networks and entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship theory and practice.
Grilli, L., & Murtinu, S.
Government, venture capital and the growth of European high-tech entrepreneurial firms.
Groenewegen, G., & de Langen, F.
Critical success factors of the survival of start-ups with a radical innovation. Journal of Applied Economics and Business Research.
Hyder, S., & Lussier, R.N
Why businesses succeed or fail: a study on small businesses in Pakistan. Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies.
Khandwalla, PN
The Design of Organizations, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, New York.
Kim, Y., & Heshmati, A.
Analysis of Korean IT startups' initial public offering and their post-IPO performance. Journal of Productivity Analysis.
Klepper, S.
Employee startups in high-tech industries. Industrial and corporate change.
Kyndt, E., & Baert, H.
Entrepreneurial competencies: Assessment and predictive value for entrepreneurship. Journal of Vocational Behavior.
Lasch, F., Le Roy, F., & Yami, S. Critical growth factors of ICT start-ups. management decision.
Lee, YJ
Technology strategy by growth stage of technology-based venture companies. International Review of Business Research Papers,.
Lin, BW, Li, PC, & Chen, JS
Social capital, capabilities, and entrepreneurial strategies: A study of Taiwanese high-tech new ventures. Technological Forecasting and Social Change.
Lussier, RN, & Pfeifer, S.
A cross-national prediction model for business success. Journal of Small Business Management.
Mabhungu, I., & Van Der Poll, B.
A Review of critical success factors which drives the performance of micro, small and medium enterprises.
Meyer, JP, & Allen, NJ
CM employee commitment survey academic users guide 2004. London, Ontario, Canada: The University of Western Ontario, Department of Psychology.
Miller, D. and PH Friesen.
'Innovation in conservative and entrepreneurial firms: Two models of strategic momentum', Strategic Management Journal.
Miner, JB, & Raju, NS
Risk propensity differences between managers and entrepreneurs and between low-and high-growth entrepreneurs: A reply in a more conservative vein.
Mueller, S., Volery, T., & Von Siemens, B.
What Do Entrepreneurs Actually Do? An Observational Study of Entrepreneurs' Everyday Behavior in the Start‐Up and Growth Stages. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice.
O'Regan, N., & Sims, MA
Identifying high technology small firms: A sectoral analysis.
Oakey, RP
Technical entrepreneurship in high technology small firms: some observations on the implications for management.
Preisendörfer, P., Bitz, A., & Bezuidenhout, FJ
Business start-ups and their prospects of success in South African townships. South African Review of Sociology, .
Pugliese, R., Bortoluzzi, G., & Zupic, I.
Putting process on track: empirical research on start-ups' growth drivers. Management Decision.
Reynolds, P., & Miller, B.
New firm gestation: Conception, birth, and implications for research. Journal of business venturing.
Rojas, F., & Huergo, E.
Characteristics of entrepreneurs and public support for NTBFs. Small Business Economics.
Santisteban, J., & Mauricio, D.
Systematic literature review of critical success factors of information technology startups. Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal.
Siow Song Teng, H., Singh Bhatia, G., & Anwar, S.
A success versus failure prediction model for small businesses in Singapore. American Journal of Business.
Song, M., Podoynitsyna, K., Van Der Bij, H., & Halman, J.I.
Success factors in new ventures: A meta‐analysis. Journal of product innovation management.
Strehle, F., Katzy, B.R., & Davila, T.
Learning capabilities and the growth of technology-based new ventures. International Journal of Technology Management.
Theng, LG, & Boon, JLW
An exploratory study of factors affecting the failure of local small and medium enterprises. Asia Pacific Journal of Management.
Thiranagama, R., & Edirisinghe, K.
Factors affecting small business start-up of engineers and accountants in Sri Lanka. NSBM Business & Management Journal.
Timmons, J. & Spinelli, S.
New venture creation: Entrepreneurship for the 21st Century. New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
Trang, TK
Key success factors of SME entrepreneurs: Empirical study in Vietnam. International Journal of Business and Management.
Van Gelderen, M., Thurik, R., & Bosma, N.
Success and risk factors in the pre-startup phase. Small business economics.
Vliamos, SJ, & Tzeremes, NG
Factors influencing entrepreneurial process and firm start-ups: evidence from central Greece. Journal of the Knowledge Economy.
Vu, DA, Bui, QH, & Pham, TQ
Critical success factors for Vietnamese software companies: A framework for investigation. development.
Wu, WW
A competency-based model for the success of an entrepreneurial start-up. WSEAS transactions on business and economics.
Yoo, C., Yang, D., Kim, H., & Heo, E.
Key value drivers of startup companies in the new media industry—The case of online games in Korea. Journal of Media Economics.